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Being Artsy Crafty

Repurposed Frame

On being artsy crafty, Dr. Maruko says this:

Our entire team at Maruko Orthodontics is artsy crafty.

"Orthodontics takes a lot of multi tasking and using your brain. Taking time to be artistic gives me time to rest my analytical side and connect with my creative side. Little kids use their imagination all of the time. It's fun. Concentrating on a single project helps my mind relax with the added bonus of disconnecting from the digital world. My patients walk out the door when I'm done helping them have a great smile." There is something very gratifying in creating something that I can hold in my hand when I'm done."

How to make a repurpose project like Dr. Maruko:


Inspirational quote

Old frame

Pens that writes on glass

Pieces of paper to practice

Computer to print out the quote in a cool font

(or calligraphy skills to free hand it)

Pieces of tape

Hot glue gun

Cotton swabs and alcohol


and a little gumption

The artist blank canvas is sometimes a little intimidating, but diving in works great, especially when you know you can erase it.

1. Find a quote you like or make one up. Type it in a font that you like in the size that will look good in the frame.

2. Hot glue gun the glass into the frame

3. Clean the glass

4. Tape the quote behind the glass

5. Trace the saying on the glass or practice and free hand

6. If you smudge anything you can use a cotton swab to fix it

7. Hang it on the wall. High five! You're done!

Repurposed Frame
Repurposed Frame

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