RePurpose 2018 - Earth Day at Maruko Orthodontics

It's time to get ready for Earth Day again, a big deal at my office and oh so much fun for me. This year we are celebrating ingenuity, all fun invigorating inspiring things, for effectively we live in a fishbowl with limited resources and the sooner we REALIZE that, the better, and the sooner we can imagine new ways to use RESOURCES and get creative on how to REPURPOSE them, the better. I'm really hoping that my patients take this to heart, especially the brilliant young minds at my office that can come up with some amazing ideas, I am sure.
For Earth Day we will be doing our pinterest-y artsy crafty thing by sharing repurpose ideas with you, games, and prizes, and food, you can't have a party without food.
I challenge you to create something new from something old and give it new life.
Get creative and repurpose an object! Simply bring it in and show us a before photo.
Are you up to the challenge? Three winners will each get a $50 gift card for their efforts, so let's get creative!
The contest starts now and you have until May 10th, so let's get going!